Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Channel 1 News 5-19-09

In Chicago 36 people have died due to gun violence. All of these people are school people that go to school in Chicago. A gun man got on a bus and shot around and he hit 5 people, although he did not hit the person he was trying to fire at.

The president is trying to convince a prime minister to have peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

The Hubble telescope is going to permantly replaced in 2014 and is going to be retired in a few years.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Channel 1 News 5-13-09

The Atlantis spacecraft is going to space in order to repair the Huble which is an orbitting spcecraft that takes pictures of the galaxies of space and palanets.

An earthquake hit China and hit a bunch of schools. I bunch of people died and it is really sad that some of the parent's kids only child died.

More than 47 thousand people have been turned away this year alone from the army because they are overweight or not fit so they created a program to help them get in shape.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Channel 1 news 5-6-09

A student went and wrote a letter to the president and so he got it. She was saying how bad her school was so some people stepped in and redid the school to make it better for the students going there.

Pakistan is trying to ensure the president that they can control their area without any help from the president.

A person working for the goverment says that the recession is getting better than it was late last year.

A couple of students worked at a competion to see how much they knew and so in the end some of the top students got scholarships paid for.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Channel 1 News 5-4-09

Hydroxycut can cause liver failure and lots of liver problems. If the product was that dangerous than they shouldn't have been selling it in the first place.

The swine flu has had one death in the U.S. and up to 30 hospitalizations. They expect to have more deaths and more hospitalizations.

The Milky Way is the spiral galaxy which looks actually pretty cool.

One person threw a paper airplane 150 ft. That is pretty far. The world record for a flight for a paper airplane was 207 ft. I don't know about them but my paper airplanes only go for five feet at the most.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Channel 1 news 4-29-09

Obama has a lot of things to deal with for example an economic crisis. he saved several million jobs by putting $787 million in the economy. That is a lot of money to be investing the economy.
New York has more than 8 million people and there are 5 burrows. That's a lot of people even for New York. In New York there are more than 660 miles of a train subway. There is a lot of people in New York that turn to crime as a means to live. So it is really tragic actually that that is their choice to turn to.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

FlauntR edits

I used FlauntR to edit some photos.

1. This one I just added some stickers.

2. I softened and blurred this image a little bit.

3. I used an effect called Emboss on this one and then I sharpened the image.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Foto Flexer Images

I was using Foto Flexer to edit images here. I liked Foto Flexer and I thought it was pretty cool.

1. The first picture of the bubbles I used the sketch effect.

2. I used the invert effect on this one.

3. Here I used the cartoon effect and softentned the image a little bit.