Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Channel One News 1/28/09

Global warning is a big problem. The people are being laid off because of the economy. Two of my brothers got laid of and one of the others is going to get laid off in about 1-2 months. About 2 million people got laid off. that's a lot. Muslim people and Americans are trying to come to a truce to get along and stop fighting. Muslims have a school of hidrasa and they go to there to learn peace and such for 4 years.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Channel One News 1/27/09

A football player died from a heat stroke. It was 97 degrees. That is really hot. I guess that people are trying to cut green house gases so it doesn't destroy the earth. Students in college with animals are feeling less lonely and take off the stress of homework. In Beijing it is the size of two New York cities. That is a really big city.In china they can only have one child because of population growth. That really isn't fair to many people I think.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Channel One News 1/22/09

Obama is already signing in new policies. Obama is also talking to some leaders. Israely troops have moved out of gaza. Many people are without food or water. They are fighting because it is supposedly the holy city for different religions. The Penut butter is being recalled because of salmena. 500 people got sick from the penut butter. Internet iddiction is kinda serious. I am I can't go 1 day without being on the internet or I go nuts. I have youtube and I even watch movies online daily. People paid for some teens to be able to be at Lincoln Memorial during the inauguration so that is nice.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Channel One News 1/21/09

Barack Obama got to become the president. Lots of people showed up to watch as Obama become the 44th president. He is the first African American person to become president. I think that he will be able to affect a lot of change. About 2 million people showed up to watch the inauguration. There was a 500 pound cheesecake. That's one big cheesecake. I heard the cake was so big that it had to be trucked in.