Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Channel One News 2-24-09

The stimulas package is helping the economy and people with their expenses.

Researchers are trying to find a vaccine that will help aginst all strands in the flu.

The navy is using dolphins to help protect against bases by putting something on them that lets the navy know of somthing coming like a submarine.

A group of people were protesting about a war and they got suspended but it turned out that the school was infriging on freedom of speech.

The wingsuits looks pretty cool to do. It would be pretty scary though.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Channel One News 2-17-09

The goverment says that the economic crisis is the biggest problem right now worldwide. Across the world states are cutting thousands of jobs. Terrism is happening right now because of the economic crisis. Hilary is going on a trip to talk to some of the major leaders across the world. Some people that were trying to fix the economy eventually fell asleep.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Channel One News 2-12-09

Tornadoes were in Oklahoma. Abraham Lincoln is 200 today. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in Fords Theatre. There is a bailout plan that they are planning to help the economy with forclosures, people losing jobs and so on. mailing stamps arre rising 2 cents.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Group Presentation

Alyssa and I worked on Google Docs. This presentation is about pizza.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Channel One News 2-3-09

President Obama is creating an economic stimulus package. I think that is a good idea because of the economic recession. In the Gaza strip 1,000 people died. In football multiple brain trauma can cause some people to die. On the groundhog day that was one huge groundhog. In Afghanistan people believe that women should not go to school, work, or get an education.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Google Docs Test