Friday, March 27, 2009

Channel One News 3-27-09

Barack was the first e-President that answered questions from online people that put questions on an online website for the president to answer. I think that is pretty cool that he anwered some of those questions that were online.

In North Dakota there is a river which is going to flood and they are putting up a sand bag wall to stop the water from flooding their houses.

In Utah the Great Salt Lake water is evaporating because of all the salt.

The week in rap was kinda funny and dumb, but the meaning behind it was really important.

Extreme sledding is so stupid, but I think but it would be kinda fun.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Channel One News 3-24-09

Many students are on the brink of homelessness. So the president went and met these students.

There was a plane crash in Butte and so they all died.

A volcanoe in Alaska is erupting.

In Newport there was a huge house that was supposedly a summer cottage for celebrities a long time ago.

In India ther is a tata Nano car which is bout $2000 but it looks cool. Pretty small though.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Channel One News 3-19-09

The economy is bad so most students can not go to college. I kinda feel bad because they can't go to college yet and they probably will have to work for a year to save up enough money for college.

The goverment bailed out AIG for $170 mil. Some people are mad that maybe they mispent that money.

People are starting to say that texting while driving is more dangerous than drinking and driving. A key can block your phone when you put it in the enginge of your car so that you will not be calling or texting while your driving. I think that it is dangerous and if you want to text or call someone than you shouldn't be driving while your calling or texting.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Channel One News 3-6-09

46 million people in america today don't have health insurance.

The coach that got charged for the death of the overhaeted athlete said that he was not responsible and that he did all be could.

The Texas Revolution was where we get the saying to Remember the Alamo. Texans had about 200 people while Santa Ana had about 2000 people.

I think the week in Rap was dumb but the mening behind it was ok.

They have dissovable clothes. How do you clean them? Because you can't wash them.